From as far back as I can remember my dream was to make it to the top in tennis. Win a grand slam. Be the best in the world. It was short lived. I quickly realized those aspirations were beyond my abilities (and if I’m being honest, small physique). But I always believed I knew how to win every game I played, tactically. I just wasn’t able to execute all the time.
After studying in the States and taking a short break from the sport, I realized that I was heading in the wrong direction – away from sports and everything that gave meaning to my life. One positive that came out of the Covid lockdown was that it forced me out of a monotonous office job and back to where I belonged. The tennis court.

I spent some time coaching some aspiring players. But felt I could give more. That’s when I found AISTS. I realized that the meaning I got from the sport wasn’t just the joy of being on a tennis court, but the challenge of competing, even if that challenge is with oneself. What I enjoyed the most in sport was aiming for something, trying to achieve, overcoming obstacles, having a plan, working hard, and doing the best that I could to get there. There’s a joy to be found in striving. Striving to achieve something. To make oneself better, and by extension to create something positive in the world. That’s what sport means to me, and that’s what I feel I could find in meeting the challenge of the business of sport.
Through AISTS, I’m learning new ways to look at sport and what it can offer. The classes and teachers have given me inspiration in how I could use my tactical abilities, my perseverance, and desire to overcome adversity in order to meet future challenges and win in the game of work and life.
This series is coordinated by Brontë Goodwin and Anna Serova from the MAS Class of 2023.
Learn more about the MAS Programme.