To fulfill ‘a dream of 140 crore Indians,’ India needs to start right now! The International Olympic Committee (IOC) held their 141st annual session in Mumbai from the 15th-17th of October 2023, making this session historic for more reasons than one. As India hosted the session for only the second time in their history, the announcement to reintroduce cricket as an official sport in the Olympics garnered immediate attention in a country where cricket is revered. However, a more significant announcement came from the Honourable Prime Minister of India, Shri. Narendra Modi, who laid down the marker for the country’s long-term vision of hosting the Olympics in 2036.
“This is a dream of 140 crore Indians. We want to fulfill this dream with your support. We are willing to host the 2029 Youth Olympics. I am sure India will get constant support from IOC,” said the Honourable Prime Minister. The announcement was met with thunderous applause from session members and dignitaries, including top figures from Indian Sport and Cinema.

To achieve this ambitious dream, India will need to take significant steps towards hosting the Olympics. It is crucial to understand that the process is not without challenges, and mere intent is not enough. The bidding process for interested hosts usually begins nearly a decade in advance. Therefore, if India is serious about hosting the Olympics in 2036, it is imperative to start the bid process now.
While the Indian sports ecosystem may not currently meet all the IOC standards, it is essential to recognise the progress being made. Professionals in the sports industry are striving to match the benchmark set by the IOC, serving as an example for aspiring students in the sports industry. By taking concrete steps and aligning with global standards, India is moving closer to its dream of hosting the Olympics in 2036.

By Pratyush Rohra, AISTS INDIA Cohort, 2023- 2024