Sport presents extensive opportunities to promote environmental awareness and social and economic development across society. At the recent Rio Olympic Games numerous initiatives and good practices encouraging sustainability behaviour by various sports organisations were seen.
The ability of a sport federation or organisation to balance the economic, environmental and social impact of their activities, including events they host, organise or govern is critical to the future development of their sport. Now more than ever, sports managers and event organisers have the opportunity to positively harness sport for the benefit of society, and by doing so, contribute to the long-term success of their sport.
The AISTS Sustainable Sport & Events Open Module will continue in its tradition of bringing together experts from the field of sports sustainability to tackle the current issues in this area and provide an understanding of the challenges and opportunities being created at the moment. Filled with case studies focusing on the sustainability strategies of FIFA, the International Olympic Committee and the NHL, to name a few, the AISTS open module will also give an insight into the best practices adopted by WWF International and Sport and Sustainability International who work with the major actors in the sports industry. This year’s programme will focus on:
- Sustainability driving innovation
- Sustainability Strategy of a mega-event from A to Z
- Engaging the community on healthy living
- Rethinking Sustainability for the Youth Olympic Games
- Saving money through smart procurement
- Sustainability at the Olympic Games
- The Future of Sustainable Sport & Events
The SSE Open Module is geared towards professional or volunteer managers and organisers of international sport events who are exploring ways to incorporate sustainability into their events. Throughout the two days, participants will join an international class of 35 participants and network of like-minded professionals to learn about and challenge the current world of sustainability in sport. For more information and to find out how to register go to