Once again the AISTS returns to the annual SportAccord Convention where we will be exhibiting our current programmes and participants, and also having a little bit of fun.
AISTS has been attending the convention as an exhibitor since 2011. This year the convention is in Aarhus, Denmark which is located a few hours west of Copenhagen. Over the years we have showcased the AISTS and what we have to offer to the sports industry, as well as finding opportunities for our current MAS participants and alumni.
Visitors to the stand will also be able to preview AISTS’s new positioning, current projects and case studies, and like always get to actively participate in something fun. At previous conventions we have had a sustainable juice smoothie making bike, an economic impact rubber duck shoot out and a ‘MAS jumping’ photo booth. This year we have something new that will challenge the athlete in all of us, so be ready to come out swinging.
Sport Technology and Innovation has been expanded into the AISTS portfolio this year. The AISTS is in a unique position to bring together scientists and researchers from esteemed universities, with athletes, international sports organisations and the sports industry. We have the capacity to bridge the gap between technology and sport by drawing on the expertise of a world-class institute of technology, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), as well as other leading international academic and industry experts. The AISTS facilitates the development of knowledge and its application in sport, through various projects with international sport organisations and as of this year Ms Marta Klincewicz, Head of Sport Technology Intelligence, solely concentrates on this area. This will be one of our focuses this year at the SportAccord Convention and visitors stopping by can compete for a prize that is being developed as THE next experience in professional sport.
So make sure you drop by and say hello and see what is happening in the world of sport and the AISTS. For more information, please contact the AISTS Marketing Team at marketing@aists.org