Since, the inception of AISTS in the year 2000, 46 participants from India have completed the coveted AISTS Master of Advanced Studies in Sport Administration and Technology, which is amongst the highest from any single nation.
With the vision to connect all the Indian Alumni over the years under one roof the AISTS Indian Chapter of the Alumni was started a few months ago and the first ever AISTS Indian Chapter Alumni Event was held on 19th May 2017, in New Delhi.
The event started with an interactive session with Mr Injeti Srinivas, Secretary (Sports), Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India (pictured below) who gave the alumni an overview of the various measures that the Government of India is taking to take sports to everyone. While talking about the various challenges faced by Indian sports he stated it is important that everyone sees physical fitness as a natural part of life and in that regard it is important to take sports to the grassroots level and ensuring easy access to play sports in the country. He further added that Indian Sports is still at a very nascent stage as compared to the rest of the developed world which offers opportunities a plenty to professionals with formal education in sport administration. He urged the Indian alumni to stay connected and to combine their experience and knowledge with technology to bridge the gap that exists in the areas of talent identification, data collection and high performance monitoring. While answering various queries of the alumni he stated that the Government of India will be open to supporting entrepreneurial ideas that AISTS professionals may have for the growth and development of Indian sports.
The highly engaging and motivating session with Mr Srinivas was followed by an informal dinner and drinks session with other industry experts which included Mr Joy Bhattacharjya, Project Director, LOC FIFA U-17 World Cup India 2017, Ms Jaya Suri, Sr Manager Business Development, SE Transstadia, Mr Nishant K Rai Asst. Director – Planning and Development, Amity University and Mr Hemant Raj Phalpher, Partner at Phalpher & Goswami.
The Alumni and the industry experts interacted on various matters pertaining to Indian sports. While Mr Bhattacharjya talked about the future of football in India and how FIFA U17 World Cup will be a turning point in the history of Indian Football which will present opportunities a plenty for sports professionals, Ms Jaya Suri talked about the need for having professionals for efficient management of state of the art World Class sports facilities like Transstadia. Mr Hemant who consults with various national sports federations on legal matters also highlighted the fact that the national federations are now looking to change the style of functioning and looking to hire more and more people with professional expertise. Echoing the need for having training industry professionals in the field of sports Mr Nishant from Amity University exclaimed that they would be willing to explore the potential of having a sports management program at their university with the support of AISTS alumni.
Exclaiming his satisfaction over the event Mr Tarun Choudhary, MAS 2007, who was in the first MAS batch which consisted of Indian participants, thanked Mr Srinivas and all other external participants for taking time out for the event. He further added that AISTS Alumni should play a leading role in taking Indian sports forward and encouraged the AISTS Indian Alumni Chapter to leverage its combined experience to work as a standalone body with various stakeholders across different spectrums of Indian sports. Furthermore, the alumni present at the event emphasised on making this an annual event.
For more information about what the AISTS Alumni are doing go to
Written by Ankush Arora, MAS 2014.
Edited AISTS Marketing Team.