MAS2021 | Ep06 | Regina Suarez
Through these years, sport has given me purpose and determination to excel in life. I have done various sport such as horseback riding, running but figure skating is the one, I have done the longest, for almost 20 years.

Figure Skating has opened doors for me around the world. This sport has allowed me to work and organize courses with international coaches and Olympians like Surya Bonaly.
I had the opportunity of competing on several occasions at Mexican nationals, as well as in the United States. Once I started university, I decided to study project management but on the other side, I knew that I wanted to continue skating.
Once I started working on organizing events in figure skating, I realized that there is a lot to offer in the sports industry, that is why I decided to study at AISTS.

AISTS has expanded my knowledge of the sports industry and this is given me the chance to pursue my career in sports. AISTS offers me the chance to know different cultures, sports, and has given me friends from all around the world.
Being in Lausanne, Switzerland and studying at AISTS, is an amazing experience and I am looking forward to my next chapter in my life after AISTS.
* Coordination by Aditya and photography by Gabor, MAS2021.