What is the lecture schedule like?

The AISTS MAS in Sport Management & Technology offers a full-time study programme from the end of September to June the following year, with lectures covering a variety of topics from the sciences of Management, Technology, Law, Sociology, and Medicine. Transdisciplinary modules, as well as Career and Leadership modules, complement the programme. Lecturers, topics and events change yearly.

During that period, the participants attend approximately 25 hours of lectures per week and are expected to work outside class hours, on team projects, for example, thus reaching about 50 hours of study per week (including lectures). Candidates can expect to have classes from Monday to Friday. The class schedule is normally from 9:00-12:30 pm, and 1:30-5:00 pm, depending on the module, site visits, and additional project assignments.

A syllabus overview of the AISTS MAS in Sport Management & Technology is available on our website https://aists.org/education/masters-degree/. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of the subjects covered in the AISTS MAS programme and that the selection of subjects can change from year to year.

The remaining 6 months (June – December) are dedicated to the completion of practical deliverables, i.e. client team projects, research papers and work placement.

See also FAQ: It is possible to work part-time while studying the AISTS MAS in Sport Administration?