Digital technology and artificial intelligence are disrupting many sectors, and the field of organized Sport is one of them. The Lausanne region is home to many International Sports Federations (IF) whose mission is to govern their Sport at the global level and ensure their promotion and development. During the last IF Forum meeting, representatives of the federations expressed their need to work on the subject, to identify the impacts and opportunities for their activities, and to find potential partners for training and future collaborations. As small entities, they struggle to have the different expertise in house and are approached by many consultants and providers proposing solutions they have no means to evaluate.
Recognized internationally as the home of Sports federation and being the hometown and renown academic entities such as EPFL and UNIL, it is key to demonstrate that local solutions can be proposed in Lausanne to answer continuing education of the local manpower. This will represent a strong asset for the region and participate to the offer justifying the establishment of international Sport federation.