The 2019 Risk Management Conference is on Sporting Equipment and International Sport Governing Bodies, organised once again by the AISTS and Kessler, Marsh and AXA XL.
As technology and innovation continues to have an ever so significant role in every aspect of sport, a higher standard of quality and safety for athletes, fans and the media have become even more important. Sporting equipment manufacturers continue to play at the edge of the rules and regulations that are set, constantly trying to make products stronger, lighter and smarter. International Sports Federations, however, need to enforce their rules and regulations so as to maintain the tradition of their sport, ensure performance fair-play and safety while allowing for innovation to continue to develop their sport. This seminar will shed light on the topic of sporting equipment technology for sport governing bodies and provide information on how to mitigate risks for all stakeholders involved. Viewpoints will be heard from the fields of engineering, the legal and also insurance domains.
The details of the evening are as follows:
TIME: 18:00 – 21:30
The Synathlon is accessible by either metro, Chamberonne stop, or parking is available on the UNIL campus, next to the Internef building.

This years Keynote Speaker is esteemed Professor Jan-Anders Månsson, who is currently with Purdue University in the USA as a Professor of Materials & Chemical Engineering and is also a AISTS Scientific Advisor. Professor Månsson has led, among others, the scientific activities for America’s Cup-Alinghi, Solar Impulse and l’Hydroptère. He was President of the AISTS from 2008 to 2017 and is currently the Chairman of the FINA Swimwear Approval Committee and Board IOC Athlete Learning Gateway. Other speakers include Jean-Pierre Morand from Kellerhals Carrard, Thomas Guesde from Marsh and Thomas Dettwiler from AXA XL.
Previous editions of the Risk Management Conference, which has been running since 2012, have included topics on concussion, security and cybersecurity and are all viewed from the risk and also legal perspective for sport governing bodies involved. We have had speakers from Kudelski Security, The Soufan Group (TSG), the CHUV and various International Federations. Watch the 2017 Risk Management Conference on Security at Sport Events via YouTube here.
Registration is now open. Space is limited. Secure your seat.

About the AISTS
The International Academy of Sports Science and Technology (AISTS) was founded in 2000 by the IOC and leading Swiss institutions and universities. A not-for-profit foundation, the AISTS is committed to professionalising sports management through continuing education, applied research and an engaging platform for industry connections. Our flagship program is the postgraduate Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Sport Administration and Technology – educating aspiring sport managers from all over the world since 2003. Each year, the AISTS delivers over 900 hours of continuing education, workshops, seminars and projects, bringing together over 100 international sports experts in the sciences of Management, Technology, Law, Medicine, and Sociology – all in the efforts of building a better world through sport.

About Kessler
Kessler is the leading Swiss company in the fields of risk management, insurance and pension fund consulting. Our team, which is based in Switzerland has now grown to 250 staff and manages a good one third of the 500 largest Swiss companies from the services sector, trade, industry and the public sector.

About Marsh
Marsh is a global leader in insurance broking and risk management. In more than 130 countries, our experts in every facet of risk and across industries help clients to anticipate, quantify, and more fully understand the range of risks they face. In today’s increasingly uncertain global business environment, Marsh helps clients to thrive and survive.

About AXA XL
AXA XL is the global brand used by insurance and reinsurance companies which provide property, casualty, professional and specialty products to industrial, commercial and professional firms, insurance companies and other enterprises throughout the world. Clients look to AXA XL for answers to their most complex risks and to help move their world forward.