SportBusiness Postgraduate Rankings 2021:
AISTS rises in global rankings
Lausanne, 15 September 2021
In the recently published 2021 SportBusiness rankings, the AISTS MAS in Sport Administration and Technology has maintained its position as the No.2 ranked Postgraduate Sport Management course in Europe. AISTS has gained one place in the global ranking and now occupies 8th position. Thus, in the 20th year of its existence, the AISTS MAS program continues to successfully claim its place in a dynamic and competitive market. This outstanding result is also reconfirmed by the “No.1 MAS in Sport Administration” awarded to AISTS by Eduniversal.com. since 2015.
According to SportBusiness.com, the participation in the 2021 ranking has never been as high as this year. Over 1,000 responses were received and evaluated from graduates of programs around the world. The Top 40 institutes are therefore a representation of the world most esteemed global sports masters’ programs.

“The increasing awareness and recognition of the AISTS MAS in the SportBusiness rankings confirm that our efforts to evolve the program year after year are proving to be successful.”
Dr. Claude Stricker, Executive Director of AISTS
The rankings are based on two surveys conducted by course directors and graduates who graduated three years prior to publication – so the 2021 edition is based on responses from the Class of 2018. Each course ultimately receives a score out of 100 based on a weighted average of the results from the graduate and course director surveys. Areas evaluated include quality of teaching, job placement support, networking opportunities, employment status at six months and currently, including current salary. Thus, the ranking reflects clear unbiased facts which provide prospective students direction when choosing an academic institution.
The report clearly highlights “the AISTS MAS has a massive international appeal, as the survey results show all but one of the students in 2018 came from outside Switzerland, while its strongest scores were largely in the employment and usefulness categories, with alumni reporting that being an AISTS graduate has had a highly positive impact on their career”.
The International Academy of Sport Science and Technology (AISTS) in Lausanne, Switzerland was founded in 2000 by an association of eight institutions, including the International Olympic Committee, with a goal of responding to the growing need for specialised technical and practical knowledge across the sporting world. The main value proposition of the MAS is its balance between five central sciences: medical, technology, business & finance, law, and sociology which are thought by an active pool of over 100 invited lecturers who are professors in their own universities or the AISTS founding schools around in Lausanne, as well as a guest speaker from the industry. Innovation in sport, particularly within the fields enabled by the rapid evolution of digital technology, is a key focus for the next programmes.