We are moving! As of the 1st of February 2018, the AISTS will be located in the newly built Synathlon.
The Synathlon, based on the University of Lausanne campus, is the future centre of international sport education and research in Switzerland. The original vision of the Synathlon was “to bring together four entities, whose activities form a coherent whole in terms of organization, promotion, training and research in sport” and in 2018 this will occur. Along with the AISTS, the centre will host the headquarters of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), the Institute of Sports Sciences of the University of Lausanne (ISSUL) and ThinkSport. This common area of the Synathlon will include an auditorium of 210 places, four classrooms/seminar rooms and a cafeteria.

The first brick was laid in 2016, after more than 3 years of planning and tender procedure, and the construction was completed in December 2017. The AISTS will have 8 offices, 3 meeting rooms and a seminar room and the MAS class will be located on the ground floor. The location of the building brings the AISTS even closer to the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee and the Maison du Sport International, home to over 50 international sports federations and organisations and the MAS participants will be able to make use of the UNIL-EPFL sports facilities even more now.

The Synathlon is located on the UNIL campus opposite the Dorigny Sports Centre.