The Malaysian National Olympic Academy Session for Young Participants is currently in session through an online platform for the first time in its 23 year run.
The 23rd National Olympic Academy session for Young Participants is currently ongoing from the 23rd to 27th of November 2020. The NOA of Malaysia has long organised this signature event that is attended by thousands of participants from Malaysia and foreign countries as well.
During this 5 day program, participants will discuss issues that are currently affecting the global sports community and the Olympic Movement. The session also allows people who are not familiar with the Olympic Movement or Olympism to better understand it and see what kind of platforms can be developed or used for the promotion of the Olympic Values.
Lecturers and influential speakers in their various expert fields will be presenting key topics that impact us daily. Ms.Yasmeen Shabsough from AISTS is one of those young dynamic influential youth leaders and our honoured guest speaker. During the evening sessions, Participants will then discuss and brainstorm on the lectures and also present their thoughts and opinions on the various topics.
Topics include Olympism, Olympic Education, SafeSports, Esports, Ethics and Media etc.
This 23rd NOA will see 44 participants from 11 countries participating.
The NOA of Malaysia is led by its Director, Nicholas Chan and the session this year is headed by AISTS Alumnus, Ms. Tay Li Neo; together with a qualified group of volunteer moderators, they will navigate the challenges of organising the first Virtual NOA Session.